
New update!❤

Damn! I failed

 Hi guys! Happy new week. Our latest post is out on our new site! Just click the image above to read! With recent events in school😤, I felt the need to create a piece to motivate everyone who might have had it rough🥺 as well as to educate everyone regardless of your performance on the fact that failure is inevitable🤷 and whether you choose to take it a Definitive end point👇 or a Stepping stone👆 is up to you and your mindset💡 Y'all know the drill! Read, understand and introspect🌟 Show me some love with the comments and the 💗 button. Subscribe!! Cause why will you be missing out on newsletters and post updates!🎉 And definitely, Reach out to me if you wanna share your story too. I'm working on a guest post soon, stay tuned.🤭 Love, Sparkles and her blog❤️🌟


Dear reader, A very happy new month to you, Its your favorite med-blogger here, I just want to say an immense THANK YOU to everyone who has viewed my blog, shared and commented on my post or commended me personally. I am super grateful to you all VPs. I am using this medium to announce that I will be using an alternative site for my blog from now on and I would be so pleased to have you with me over there.  JOJO TALKS MED has a new web address which you will be directed to once you click on the photo above.   The new site features new pages, new communication options, new aesthetics , quick access to my social accounts as well as new versatility. Please join me over there every Sunday as you usually do there, I assure you would love the new aesthetics and blog improvements I have worked hard to create for us to enjoy our MED space. Thank you so much! See you there with a new exciting post this Sunday! Love, JoJo.

FIGHTING BURNOUT - The Power of Words

 Sup you! You read my last post and hopefully made a conscious decision to do better or You didn’t read my last post but you’re here now, welcome! I want to finish off   FIGHTING BURNOUT with a couple of sayings that have made me feel better when I feel overwhelmed. Words are incredibly important to provide comfort, hope and encouragement. Sometimes, a simple phrase or sentence can make all the difference and the sad reality is most times we are too caught up in our lives to take time to read a motivational quote or two. I’d love to bridge that gap for you, dear reader. So, here are some supportive words for you; If you don’t succeed try, try again. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep going. Do not lose heart. You may stumble but you can still make it to the top if you don’t quit – Tom Hopkins Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest – H. Jackson Brown Always remember within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change ...


  Hey , are you stressed? Tired of school? Wondering why you chose to study in that school and even worse, a medical course? Yeah, I’ve been there, we’ve all been there. Medical students mostly experience high levels of stress and anxiety due to the demanding nature of health study. As a medical student, you’ll feel exhausted often despite that, most times you’ll still experience a lack of physical accomplishment because you feel you’re meant to do more than you can. The days I experienced this during my last session had to be the worst . This phenomenon is known as BURNOUT- a state of physical, mental as well as emotional exhaustion due to prolonged stress and is characterized by weakness, apathy and lack of motivation. Burnout leads to difficulty in concentration, fatigue, headaches, poor appetite, depression and at extreme cases suicidal thoughts. Experiencing even a mild case of burnout is detrimental to the state of your being. I was aware of this phenomenon long before s...


  Hey, I recently discovered that once you’re a medical student or professional, it is common for people to insinuate that you don’t have social presence in your life, you are considered to be boring and worse, you might even accept that you are. Occasionally this insinuation is right, in others it is not. Realistically, for medical students, having a healthy social life and a strong professional network is extremely beneficial. Connections and support have a profound impact on both personal and professional success. Let’s consider a few social factors that can improve your social life and networking. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES This will be a broad point as there are many different types of extra-curricular activities you can engage in as a medical student such as campus events like social dances or movie-nights, educational trips to health facilities, community service projects, volunteering opportunities at local hospitals, health-fairs and screenings, conferences and semin...

Finding your preference in the medical field.

  The knowledge of the various types of medical careers and their significance from my last blog post leads to a new question: Which one of these career paths should you focus on? Making the decision that your aim is to help save lives isn’t hard, it’s choosing how and where to make impact that becomes tough. How can you overcome this inner uncertainty and make an outstanding choice for yourself? Faced with the dilemma of lacking the merit to study Medicine and Surgery, it felt like I could not pursue my dream of being a pediatrician anymore, my dreams sucked away into an abyss. Finding new purpose felt hard and the disappointment was striking yet Today, I’m a proud medical lab scientist aspirant in her second year, all my dreams restored, purpose renewed. I was able to find my preference among the medical careers available to me and discover fulfillment. How did I accomplish that and more importantly, how can you achieve it? Here are tips and m y experiences. Self-introspect- Get...


The insinuation that a nurse is less important than a doctor is a common one. The accolades given to medical doctors, surgeons or physicians from the field of medicine and surgery especially in Nigeria varies starkly from that given to a nurse or radiologist. Why is this so? The truth is all medical practices are important in their own way. Medical professionals ranging from the medical doctors, physiotherapists, pharmacists, radiologist, laboratory scientists, nurses, dentists and pharmacologists are all vital to the healthcare system and all require unique sets of skills and knowledge. No single medical career is “more important” than the other! Let’s consider NURSING for our first case study. Nursing is a very diverse field with various career paths to choose from. The nurses provide direct patient care, diagnose and treat patients and in some cases even prescribe medication. To fulfill these tasks, nurses are required to have excellent communication skills, critical thinking and ...