
Showing posts from August 6, 2023


  Hey , are you stressed? Tired of school? Wondering why you chose to study in that school and even worse, a medical course? Yeah, I’ve been there, we’ve all been there. Medical students mostly experience high levels of stress and anxiety due to the demanding nature of health study. As a medical student, you’ll feel exhausted often despite that, most times you’ll still experience a lack of physical accomplishment because you feel you’re meant to do more than you can. The days I experienced this during my last session had to be the worst . This phenomenon is known as BURNOUT- a state of physical, mental as well as emotional exhaustion due to prolonged stress and is characterized by weakness, apathy and lack of motivation. Burnout leads to difficulty in concentration, fatigue, headaches, poor appetite, depression and at extreme cases suicidal thoughts. Experiencing even a mild case of burnout is detrimental to the state of your being. I was aware of this phenomenon long before s...